What is your Date?
When do you want to retire? When do you think you will be able to retire? Are you in a position to retire now?
If you are 55 or older and don’t have clear answers to these questions than you need our team of experts.
Retirement may be closer than you think. Seventy-five percent of people that we meet with retire sooner than they thought possible. With proper planning, this could be you.
We will help you set a date that you can feel confident in. Once you know your date, life at work becomes a whole lot easier. Organizing your escape from the workplace into your retirement is all we do. We are the retirement experts.
If you’re getting close but we help you find that today is not the day, we can set you up with a plan to protect your assets from an economic calamity like the one in 2008 with something called an In-Service Distribution.
Great News for people age 59 1/2 and over!
The IRS recently announced an option that protects your retirement assets by moving all or part of your 401K, 401B or TSP from your company sponsored retirement plan into your own personal retirement account or IRA. This program, called an In-Service Distribution, is designed to protect the bulk of your retirement assets as you near retirement, while you are still working. [Learn More]